(re)Design Your Life

Maximize Your Potential with AI, Data, and Life Model Design

Written by Ayori Selassie

Ayori Selassie's Latest Book Promises Better Life with AI, Data and Life Model Design

(Re)Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential with AI, Data, and Life Model Design written by Ayori Selassie provides you with the latest tools and techniques you need to:

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Frequently Asked Questions about (Re)Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential with AI, Data, and Life Model Design written by Ayori Selassie

Q: What is the book (Re)Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential about?

A: Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential is a book that presents a radical approach to personal development that helps individuals unlock their maximum potential and sustain peak performance in their lives.

Q: Who is the author of (Re)Design Your Life?

A: The author of Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential is Ayori Selassie, the creator and visionary behind Life Model Design®. 

Q: What is Life Model Design®?

A: Life Model Design is a personal development methodology created by Ayori Selassie that helps individuals create a sustainable and fulfilling life by unlocking their maximum potential and sustaining peak performance.

Q: What are some of the benefits of the Life Model Design® methodology?

A: Some of the benefits of using the Life Model Design® methodology include the ability to increase your holistic quality of life by identifying and achieving meaningful life goals, increasing self-awareness, building healthier sustainable habits, and creating a strong support network.

Q: Is (Re)Design Your Life only for business professionals?

A: No, (Re)Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential with AI, Data, and Life Model Design® is for anyone who wants to unlock their maximum potential and sustain peak performance in their life in their personal life, family, or career. That includes students, stay-at-home parents, volunteer workers, aging and/or retired persons, founders, business professionals, essential workers, and anyone who wants to live a better life.

Q: Is (Re)Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential available in audio format?

A: Yes, Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential will be available in audio format, along with print and other digital formats. Subscribe to be notified on launches above to be notified when new versions are available and where.

Q: What is the purpose of the Life Model 90-Day Sprint Calendar?

A: The Life Model 90-Day Sprint Calendar helps individuals create a vision for their ideal life, identify their core values and goals, make decisions on priority, and create a plan to accomplish their big goals within 90 days with a week-by-week structured calendar to keep you focused and on track.

Q: How long is the Life Model Design program?

A: The Life Model Design program consists of 13 week-long sprints, including the Design Sprint, Discovery Sprints, Decision Sprints, Develop, REST and Integration Sprints. The Life Model Design program is roughly 90 days, or 3 months long.

Q: Can I modify the Life Model Design process to fit my needs?

A: Yes, you can modify the Life Model Design process to fit your needs, by shortening the time frame as long as you incorporate all the phases of Design, Discover, Decide, Develop, Rest and Integration, which represent the process that best supports sustainable behavior change.

Q: Is the Life Model Design program available online?

A: Yes, the Life Model Design program will be available online, and you can access the program via the author's website www.lifemodeldesign.com, or www.redesignyourlifebook.com.

Q: Is Design Your Life, Maximize Your Potential available for free online?

A: Yes, the book will be available free of charge on the author's website. However, please note that the book is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or resold. We encourage you to share the book with others who may benefit from it, and if you find the book helpful, we invite you to purchase a copy to support Ayori Selassie, the author's work. Additionally, for coaches who are interested in leveraging the methodology with their clients, a certification course will soon be available. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting opportunity.

Q: Is there a course or certification for Life Coaches who want to use Life Model Design with their clients

A: For people and Life or Business Coaches who are interested in leveraging the Life Model Design methodology and (Re)Design Your Life book with their clients, a training and certification course will soon be available. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting opportunity.